Harris Federation School Mental Health Team
We recognise that supporting your child’s mental health is a top priority, and we are here to help. To provide guidance and practical strategies, the Harris Federation School Mental Health Team are offering a series of online mental health webinars designed to equip you with the tools to support your child’s emotional well-being.
These expert-led sessions will cover key topics, including anxiety, low mood, mental health, and exam preparation. Please click on the links below to find out more about each webinar and to book your free place.
These free sessions will take place at selected dates throughout February, March and April and provide a convenient way to gain expert advice from the comfort of your home. Whether your child is facing challenges, or you want to be proactive about their mental well-being, we encourage you to join us.
For any questions or further information, please feel free to contact us via email at the details below.
Miss E Thorndike, Cultural Capital Lead, e.thorndike@harrisockendon.org.uk
Ms A Thompson, Assistant Principal, Alicia.thompson@harrisockendon.org.uk