Thurrock Foodbank
At HAOC we were pleased to be supporting Thurrock Foodbank again this year, in their aim to provide food to local families in need. Our school community did themselves proud, by donating 27 crates of produce, weighing in at over 240kg.
Great Ormond Street Hospital
In April we held a raffle in school for the opportunity to win a number of Chocolate Eggs. We were thrilled to have raised over £230 which was split between Thurrock Foodbank, and Great Ormond Street Hospital.
MacMillan Coffee Morning
The Academy were delighted to once again host a MacMillan Coffee Morning to raise funds to support those diagnosed with cancer and those that care for them.
Fundraising in previous years has been very successful, but we are always keen to beat past results and continue to help ‘Serve the Community.’
MacMillan Cancer Support raises money to provide vital cancer services for people living with the disease at every stage of their experience, runs public campaigns to influence UK-wide policies and supports healthcare professionals with resources, tools and training to better support those living with cancer.
To support this cause, parents/carers were invited to join their children at the Academy for a coffee morning on Friday 30th September, in exchange for a small donation.
We were delighted to host another successful event for such a worthy cause.